tzettel 📝

Tiny helper for chaotic workdays, which merges tasks for clean reports.
Just paste your timesheet notes!
You can take them beforehand in Notepad++, TextEdit, Sublime, handwritten, what ever you like. ;)

#ProTip 1: Hashtag grouping
Use a hashtag at the beginning to group entries, e.g. tasks related to a project. These entries will be later combined into one entry.
#ProTip 2: General tasks
Entries without a hashtag in the beginning will be combined into the "General" entry.

Your report

# Fictional time Project Tasks done ✅ Hours
1 09:15 - 10:00 #General Getting organized, Stand-Up Meeting 0.75
2 10:00 - 13:35 #ClientTessa Website prototyping start page, Website prototyping details page, Website deployment details page 3.58
3 13:35 - 14:05 Break
4 14:05 - 17:30 #ClientMark CSS Bugfix for category pages, Javascript fix for fixed header navigation 3.42

Parsing summary (for verification)

This is only for debugging, here is what the algorithm detected in your notes. If a line has no color, than it was not recognized:

9:15-9:45 Getting organized
9:45-10:00 Stand-Up Meeting
10:00-12:00 #ClientTessa Website prototyping start page
12:00-12:30 #ClientMark CSS Bugfix for category pages

13:30-14:15 #ClientTessa Website prototyping details page
14:15-17:10 #ClientMark Javascript fix for fixed header navigation
17:10-18:00 #ClientTessa Website deployment details page


Please be mindful to yourself, work metrics are not everything what life is about.

This is currently not implemented yet.

Total hours: 7.75

Billable time ratio: 55%

"You can't do a good job if your job is all you do." — Katie Thurmes